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The end of the first construction phase of the Juvenile Justice Center

View the latest construction timeline for ongoing and upcoming Bibb County SPLOST projects.

The radios began arriving in February, and the system is scheduled to be online by August.

Barring any delays, Bibb County’s newest fire station will be ready for firefighters to move in by spring. Fire station No. 109, located on New Forsyth Road between Bass Road and Wesleyan Drive, has a

When Macon and Bibb County's emergency radio systems went down Friday, leaving area first-responders wtithout communications for a couple of hours, officials said it underscored the need for a new rad

Bibb County taxpayers should soon get a better idea of what a 1-percent sales tax is paying for. City and county officials agreed Tuesday night to launch, in the next month, a web page showing how the

Macon City Council voted 13-2 Tuesday night to buy an 800-megahertz emergency radio system from Harris Corp. RF Communications for $7.7 million, the latest turn in a contentious process that involved

Bibb County Commissioners spent most of Monday interviewing potential construction companies for the new Juvenile Justice Center.